Robert Hott | 2018 C-VILLE-athon Finisher
As a first-time finisher of the C-VILLE-athon, I had the opportunity to participate in several local charity races for the first time in 2018. The most memorable of these races would have to be the Charlottesville Ten Miler. Although this was certainly the most physically demanding race I took part in, I'll remember it more for the great scenery and outstanding community support. I also have to sing the praises for the inaugural running of the Josephine's Village 5k. For a first-time race, the event was incredibly well organized. I had a great time running through UVA grounds with my daughter in stroller, all while supporting a terrific foundation started by an old volleyball teammate of mine.
Although I ran in high school and played volleyball in college, I recently took up running again over the past few years; this time less as a competitor, and more as a family man looking to stay healthy and in shape. As a new dad, I have occasionally struggled to find the energy to get outside and be active; however, the C-VILLE-athon provided me great motivation to do so, all while helping support some amazing local charities and foundations along the way. Special thanks go out to my supportive wife, Heather, my daughter and jogging stroller companion, Olivia, and my friendly Chocolate Labrador/training partner, Murphy! |