Emily Doyle | 2019 C-VILLE-athon Finisher
Everyone probably says this, but for a good reason! My favorite race is definitely the 10 miler. It's a really special race and I love that the community comes out for it. I credit the 2018 10 miler as a huge turning point for me as a runner. I honestly didn't know if I could even finish the thing when I started training. But when I finished just under my goal time (10 min/mile average pace), that was all the motivation I needed to become a more disciplined runner. A year later, I smashed my 2018 pace with a 7:30 average min/mile. In 2019, I was honored to run for the Computers4Kids team, which was really awesome because I used to mentor with them. I even saw my former mentee on the sidelines at around mile 7. Seeing her cheer me on gave me some serious motivation to finish strong.
Charlottesville has an incredibly active and supportive running community. Completing the C-VILLE-athon is a great opportunity to give back to the community, accomplish something big, and join a growing community of runners. The more races you do, the more runners you'll start to recognize. I run four times a week and almost always run into other runners on the road--no matter the weather. This is a dedicated running town. Why wouldn't you want to be part of something like this?! I am the Director of Program Management for a local education company called Teachstone. I've been in Charlottesville since 2007. Although I'm a native New Yorker, I've been in Cville since 2007. I'm most proud of my discipline as a runner to keeping a regular routine, pushing for continuous improvement, and cooking nourishing, clean food for myself and the people I love. And I am thankful to have a wonderful network of family and friends that supports my running habit and humors my incessant running talk. |