ALICE FITCH | C-VILLE-athon Streakers
It's impossible to pick just one favorite race in the C-VILLE-athon! Just to name a few... the Sugar Hollow 5K/10K (beautiful course), the Haven 8K (amazing breakfast), the Charlottesville Ten Miler (quintessential Cville race), the Big Brothers Big Sisters 5K/10K (incredible views), the Montalto Challenge (bragging rights), the CHS Band on the Run 5K (great cause), the Pepsi 10K (awesome prize table!), and of course the Women's Four Miler (the race that started it all for me).
Since I have no desire to run an actual marathon all in one sitting, the CVILLE-athon provides me with great motivation to push beyond my comfort zone, try out new races, and work towards a year-long goal. And it's a great way to support a variety of non-profits that are doing wonderful work in our community. Plus, honestly, the t-shirt is just really, really cool. |